Asking questions you already know the answer to, starts where?

It's starts with pretrial research. Here's a quick and dirty list of what to expect from presenting to a focus group of juror participants:
- learn attitudes
- learn opinions
- learn biases
- learn notions
- lean what's believable
- get ideas for discovery
- get ideas for strategy
- test the legal story
- test the experts
- test the experts' opinions
- test the other side's story(ies)
- test the visuals, demonstratives
- test your own platform skills
- ferret out the landmines
- learn all the ways you can (or might) lose your case
- learn whether you should even file a lawsuit
- value of the case
- whether alternative dispute resolution is feasible
- ideas for direct and cross examination
- learn who's a good witness and who's not
- witness preparation
- learn what a jury might reward
- whether and how to go to battle
- and so on.
Did I leave any out? Comment below or email me what we should add to the list.